50 sq.ft. indoor mural featuring a contemporary take on 19th century chinoiserie wallpaper.
Indoor/Outdoor Wall Panels
Large outdoor-displayed artworks on mobile wood panels. Vibrant iridescent and fluorescent paints on reclaimed material.
Peak Experience Moving Mural Nelson, BC - Banff, AB / 2010 - 2013
40'x4' scroll painting inspired by British Columbia's and Alberta's landscapes painted and displayed outdoors in a number of public displays. Painting largely executed in Nelson from 2010-2012 and completed during a self-directed artist residency at the Banff Centre in March 2013. Exhibited outdoors on canvas.
3D Ice Mural Assistantship Vancouver 2010 Olympics, Richmond
Employed on the team of Paintings Below Zero. Essential in the construction, installation and management of more than 1,000 sq.ft. of abstract ice art, entitled "Ice Gate 2010" and on exhibition at the Richmond O-Zone during the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.
1967 Chevy Mural Commission Baldwin Park, CA 2008
Private commission for custom painting desert drag racing vehicle. Featured "Sailor Jerry" and Mayan themes in iridescent and fluorescent paints.
Large Narratives
Paintings over 10 sq.ft. showcasing a variety of figures in action.